So, as the title says, I'm new to the world of roleplaying ( at least when it comes to pen and paper/dice roleplaying ). As such, a question to pose to everyone, which everyone has heard a million times.
What game should you choose to play?
The prospective games that we'd have avaliable are as follows:
All Flesh Must Be Eaten
D&D ( 3.5 and 4 )
In Nomine
Savage Worlds
Star Wars Saga Edition
nWoD ( all of its lines )
Now the catch. The game will be played by myself, fiancee, and maybe if we branch out, another 2 people MAX ), but for the most part, we'd like it to be more of a 1 on 1 roleplaying game, myself being DM and PC, her being solely PC. I've read a lot about people who've done it and how to make it work well, and we've done roleplaying ( play by post, with no dice, etc ) for many years, so we can easily handle it. The one thing that always wrecks my brain however, is what game to dive into?
So, thoughts? What'd be the easiest for us to learn? Most fun? Any other ideas? :D
Tags: 1 on 1, d&d, gurps, learning, nWoD, newbie, rules, star wars
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