Role Play Media Network

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Hey, thanks for creating this group! I was hoping we'd get a good group soon, eh?

Here in Montreal, we have several different communities, but the biggest one is Midnight's Lair, a forum started by Erik Menard and Luc Millette, who are the hosts of the podcast of the same name. They have podfaded somewhat (but haven't given up entirely) but the forum is thriving. We have a lot of great discussion, but more importantly, we organize tons of one-shots and get campaigns off the ground. A lot of us are system junkies with Corvus Disorder, so we are always excited to try something new. So it's pretty easy to say "I just bought X and have a cool idea for an adventure. Who wants to play?" and get a bunch of players.

The members of Midnight's Lair also work closely with Draconis, our local convention. It takes place in the fall, usually October and we just had year 4. It's a relatively humble affair, with around 200 gamers, but the quality is good and we are looking to grow. The potential is there! This year was very exciting because we get a small squad of game designers from New England who came up: Vincent Baker, Joshua A.C. Newman, Robert Bohl and Origins-Award winner Luke Crane. Now all of us here have our noses buried in Burning Wheel. These conventions really help energize our gaming!

Hey, and if any of you live near Montreal or are going to be travelling through, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are a friendly bunch and are always happy to invite a new gamer into our community or throw down some dice.

So what's going on in your neck of the woods?


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Hi WalkerP,

I'm in the area of Regina, Saskatchewan. The local community group is:

The Flatlands Regional Association of Gamers (FRAG) is a non-profit corporation that was formed to develop and support a sustainable community of game players in the Saskatchewan area. The organizations membership is focused on providing services for players of designer board games, Role Playing Games (RPG), Live Action Role Playing Games (LARP), Collectible Card Games (CCGs) and miniature games. The organization also works with other gaming groups, business partners and individual players to support the gaming community.

I'm not an active member of this group because of time constraints (work, family and Grand OGL Wiki). I have my own friend group that is playing Pathfinder and a Play-By-Email group that also plays.

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I'm in the National Capital Region . . . also known as Ottawa.

I'm not active in any of the groups here, mainly because I barely have time to get my own group together. Two little ones (both under school age) can wreak havoc on ones social life.

There is Go-Play Ottawa, the brainchild of Darcy Burgess (he of Black Cadillacs). I attended the first and it was a blast.

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Also in Montreal and just doing my thing running two groups to playtest my fantasy heartbreaker ;)

Glad to see gaming is alive and well in Canada.

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Hi everyone.

I'm in Ontario below Hamilton and just off of the Lake Erie shore. There is not much going on at all game-wise in this region. Still I call it home. Most of the contact I have with other gamers is online. It's both a blessing and a curse. You can game with people from all over the country and the world, but sometimes it is slow going doing it that way.

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I'm in the Peterborough, Ontario region. Specifically the island of academia known as Trent University. While there appears to be a solid gaming core in Peterborough (present enough to have a local convention) I haven't found any concrete information on public groups, which means that the only public group I know of is me. I run public sanctioned RPGA games once a month as my schedule permits, but for most of my gaming needs I either hit up my private group or scoot on down to Toronto.

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