Role Play Media Network

a community for rpg bloggers, podcasters, vidcasters, and their audiences

I own the domain name. I run the site, and i make up the rules, although if you read the various forum threads, those are pretty loose guidelines at this point. The Brute Squad (admins) are all volunteers.

The domain name cost me under $10.

Hosting, which really means pointing the domain name to, costs $4.95 a month. That gives me 10GB of storage and 100GB of bandwidth. That's why I ask people to link to link to or embed media.

If the site goes over, it costs and additional $9.95 per month for each additional 10GB of storage and 100GB of bandwidth. If needed, I'll ask for donations.

These costs are low because the host gets any and all revenue from the Google ads to the right. I can make those ads go away for $24.95 a month -- if you want to donate to do that, drop money in my PayPal account (webmaster at unclebear d0t com).

The costs are also low because Ning keeps that "create your own" bar at that top. If that annoys you, that costs $24.95 per month to make it go away. You can drop money in my PayPal account for that, too.

I added the RPGNow and Amazon banners, hoping affiliate programs will offset the minimal costs. If they generate more than $5 a month/$10 a year, I'll kill the google ads and the ning bar. Alternately, I'll sell you those banner ads, $35 a month for the one above the fold, $25 a month for the one below the fold. I'll use the money for hosting, removing the Google ads and removing the Ning bar, in that order.


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